cardio shield reviews : Are There Any Negative Side Effects?

cardio shield reviews : Are There Any Negative Side Effects?

Cardio Shield

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Did you know that more than 670,000 deaths in the USA occurred in 2020 as a result of hypertension alone? Is it alarming that just 25% of this people knows how to control their blood pressure? There is no doubt that these statistics are connected, and the trend is upward. At least, that is what our editorial team believed until one company asserted to have created a treatment that addressed the underlying cause of hypertension. Here is everything you need to know about Cardio Shield, without further ado.

Cardio Shield – what is it?-cardio shield reviews

Cardio Shield is a natural blood pressure supplement created to address the root cause of high blood pressure, according to the company’s official website. Individuals should be able to reclaim control over their blood pressure levels, general heart health, and quality of life by doing this. For those who are in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even older, this remedy is thought to be equally helpful. The latter definitely shocked us, therefore it made sense to study the Cardio Shield feature after that.

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How is Cardio Shield put to use?

Cardio Shield was developed, according to the company’s website, to look into “rogue blood pressure molecules” that are thought to tighten blood arteries. Surprisingly, this collection of chemicals has been connected to increased blood pressure, decreased nitric oxide levels (and consequently the body’s capacity to absorb nutrition), and DNA damage. Even worse, the tightness stops the blood from flowing normally through the body. It turns out that the superoxide anion is the offender in terms of science.

To find out where the authors of Cardio Shield were going, our editorial staff conducted some investigation. As a result, we learned of a 2004 study [2] that tried to understand how superoxide anion affected spontaneously hypertensive rats’ blood pressure and nitric oxide levels (SHR). A decrease of blood vessel tone and hypertension were the results of increased superoxide generation, the researchers’ final finding.

Furthermore, they argued that the most likely course of action for returning blood pressure to values that are close to normal is to remove the offending factor. A 2019 study [3] that also examined the effects of superoxide anions in rats suggested that the molecule may raise blood pressure by causing more oxidative stress (or an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants).cardio shield reviews

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What components make up Cardio Shield?

Cardio Shield, according to its official website, has a proprietary combination in the amount of 620 mg of:

Hawthorn (Leaf & Flower) (Leaf & Flower)
A flowering shrub in the rose family is called a hawthorn. This plant has long been used to effectively control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of developing heart disease. Animal and human research have reportedly enhanced circulation and increased coronary artery blood flow, claims one source [4]. Hawthorn contains anti-atherosclerotic qualities, according to an assessment of its characteristics [5]. (i.e., it prevents the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and around the artery walls).

Bulb of garlic
Cloves and underground garlic plants are found in garlic bulbs [6]. According to one source explaining the substance’s effect on blood pressure, the main active ingredient in garlic, allicin, may lower blood pressure by blocking the formation of angiotensin II, increasing the availability of nitric oxide, or raising hydrogen sulphide. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities have also been cited as significant elements.

Almond Leaf
Another key component with various therapeutic properties is olive leaf extract [7]8]. We were shocked to learn that it has antinociceptive, neuroprotective, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and gastroprotective characteristics. Taking doses of 500 to 1000 mg is typically regarded as safe and may have benefits such as lowering blood pressure, promoting weight loss, and reducing the chance of developing cardiovascular illnesses. The phenolic and flavonoid content of olive leaves should shield people from oxidative stress.

A genus of blooming plants in the Malvaceae family is called hibiscus. Recent investigations have shown that this herb can lower blood pressure just as well as certain popular anti-hypertensive drugs [9]. For instance, hibiscus can lower blood pressure when consumed twice daily as tea, according to a 2019 study that looked at how it affected patients with stage I hypertension. In addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle and making dietary adjustments, the researchers advised it [10]. The risk of cardiovascular disease may be decreased by regularly consuming hibiscus, according to a more recent systematic review and meta-analysis. However, further research is required to establish the ideal dosage and length of treatment.

Book Leaf
The Rutaceae family includes Agathosma betulina, a flowering plant and diuretic also known as buchu leaf [11]. One report claims that the ability of buchu to eliminate water may be advantageous. Why? due to the possibility that it contains substances that function as calcium channel blockers, which are essential for regulating excessive blood pressure and maintaining heart health. In particular, its high hesperidin content is suggested to prevent hypertension by fortifying blood vessels [12].

Jasmine Berry
Compared to blueberries, juniper berries [13] are significantly plumper in appearance. With 10% of the recommended daily intake, this fruit is regarded as a good source of vitamin C. Why should we care? Because vitamin C has a strong antioxidant effect that is likely to improve blood vessel health, increase immunity, and fight oxidative stress. Over 70 different chemicals, some of which may inhibit superoxide activity, are surprisingly present in juniper berries. Finally, because of the elements in it that might lower triglyceride levels, it is crucial for heart health.

Leaf tea
Green tea [14], a beverage derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, is the last option. Its impact on blood pressure has been the subject of conflicting research. To get to the bottom of it all, a meta-analysis study analysed the value of green tea objectively. Researchers came to the conclusion that tea had positive effects. However, it was most effective when used with a low dose of polyphenols and a protracted intervention period, or when caffeine was avoided.

Vitamin C (60 mg), Niacin (2.5 mg), Vitamin B6 (5 mg), Folate (100 mcg), and Vitamin B12 are included as supporting ingredients (100mcg).

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Four frequently asked inquiries (FAQS)

Is it safe to use Cardio Shield?

Due to the minimal amounts of natural substances it contains, Cardio Shield is regarded as secure. It is important to realise that a product’s use does not guarantee that no adverse effects or drug interactions will occur merely because it contains natural ingredients. People are therefore urged to do their homework beforehand before moving further.

Are there any drawbacks to use Cardio Shield?

When writing, the authors make the claim that adverse outcomes are quite improbable. Examining one’s lifestyle, eating routine, and medication intake is the only way to be sure. For assurance, people may want to speak with a healthcare professional.

Those who should avoid Cardio Shield

Children under the age of 18 and women who are pregnant or nursing shouldn’t use Cardio Shield.

How should Cardio Shield be ingested?

As a dietary supplement, people are advised to take one capsule twice day.

How ought Cardio Shield to be kept?

Cardio Shield needs to be kept dry and cool, with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

How much time will it take for shipments of Cardio Shield to arrive?

Processing times for orders placed within the United States range from 5 to 7 business days. The wait time for people in other countries could be up to 21 business days.

Is Cardio Shield backed by a money-back promise?

Yes, there is a 180-day money-back guarantee with Cardio Shield. If this supplement does not lower blood pressure or aid in overall management, get in touch with customer service to request a full refund. However, people should make sure this is true before continuing because it might only apply to empty bottles.

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What is the price of Cardio Shield?

60 capsules, or one month’s supply, are found in each Cardio Shield bottle. Here are some quantity-based pricing examples:

Each bottle of Cardio Shield costs $59
$39.99 for 3 Cardio Shield bottles
6 Cardio Shield bottles, each costing $39

Cardio Shield is a dietary supplement designed specifically to manage high blood pressure and the problems it causes. It was developed by Ryan and is available in capsule form. ClickBank is the product’s retailer.

The supplement is all-natural, non-GMO, free of preservatives, and GMP-certified. Numerous research have supported the chemicals utilised to make Cardio Shield capsules for their numerous health advantages to people.

The Cardio Shield formula tackles Superoxide Anion, the primary contributor to high blood pressure. In the working portion that follows, we will talk about this molecule.

High-quality plant-based ingredients found in Cardio Shield’s oral dietary supplement will increase your metabolism and improve your general health.

Cardio Shield REVIEWS

Cardio Shield’s Mechanism of Action and Supporting Scientific Research

With the aid of its special formulation, Cardio Shield is an oral dietary supplement that treats high blood pressure and other related health problems. The Cardio Shield capsules function by focusing on the underlying cause of high blood pressure in people.

The Superoxide Anion molecule that is found on the walls of your arteries is the primary contributor. This chemical makes the blood push against the arterial walls more forcefully, increasing blood pressure. If the concentration of these molecules rises to an extreme level, they may potentially clog your veins and arteries, leading to serious and occasionally deadly medical disorders.

This superoxide anion can harm your health in a number of ways, including:

DNA alterations
lowering blood circulation and metabolism
lowering the oxygen flow
Cardiovascular disease risks rise as weight increases.
The Cardio Shield capsules help prevent the buildup of these dangerous Superoxide Anions because they include potent natural substances. They aid in the total detoxification of your body.

The pills improve the passage of oxygen and blood to your body’s cells. It also supports

increasing the rate of your metabolism, which raises your energy levels.

These premium ingredients provide a number of health advantages that improve both physical and mental health, such as lowering inflammation, boosting nutrient absorption, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels, enhancing immune system response, etc.

The Cardio Shield capsules treat hypertension, extending a person’s life expectancy and improving quality of life.

A Look At Cardio Shield’s Ingredients

The following is a list of Cardio Shield’s ingredients:


A B vitamin called niacin aids in the body’s utilisation of lipids as an energy source. Additionally, it is crucial for preserving normal blood cholesterol levels. Niacin pills have been shown in research published in the Journal of Nutrition to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 15%.

While they were unable to tell whether this was brought on by dietary or activity changes, the researchers stated it may be possible to attain comparable benefits by making only lifestyle changes.

One gramme of niacin was taken daily for four weeks by participants in a second trial at the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, and it was discovered that these individuals had lower triglyceride levels than those who received placebos. Niacin decreases triglycerides by raising HDL (good) cholesterol, according to the researchers, who hypothesised that this could be the reason.

Flowering Hibiscus

Anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant found in abundance in hibiscus flowers, have been shown to be protective against heart disease. One study found that drinking hibiscus tea twice daily for six months significantly lowered the systolic blood pressure of women with high blood pressure.

In a another study, subjects who drank hibiscus tea three times per week for eight weeks experienced lower blood pressure readings than those who did not.

Chest discomfort, high blood pressure, and diabetes have all been traditionally treated using hibiscus sabdariffa L., sometimes known as roselle.

Flavonoids, which are organic antioxidants that aid in preventing damage from free radicals, are present in hibiscus. Inflammation and cancer are linked to these free radicals.

Nitric oxide, which relaxes blood arteries and enhances circulation, is also produced when flavonoids are active. They also boost the activity of enzymes that help the body detoxify toxic substances.

Additionally, hibiscus contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and fibre in addition to vitamins C and E.

B6 vitamin

Food must be converted into vitamin B6 in order for it to be used as cell fuel. Lack of vitamin B6 can cause weakness, fatigue, headaches, depression, and memory issues.

According to research, vitamin B6 may help to decrease blood pressure. One study found that giving patients with moderate hypertension vitamin B6 supplements reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A different investigation revealed that type 2 diabetics’ blood pressure was lowered by vitamin B6 intake.

B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that support neuron and metabolic function. They consist of biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and cyanocobalamin, among others.

For the synthesis and repair of DNA, folic acid is required. A folate shortage in children can result in birth abnormalities and stunted growth.

The neurological system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, is supported by pantothenic acid. Muscle cramps, numbness, tingling, and loss of coordination might be symptoms of deficiency.

Cell division and tissue development are both impacted by biotin. Hair loss, skin rashes, and brittle nails can all be symptoms of low biotin levels.

Red blood cells require riboflavin to operate correctly. A riboflavin deficit can cause sore throat, diarrhoea, and vision impairment.

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C vitamin

The production of collagen, a crucial protein that keeps your bones strong and healthy, requires vitamin C in the human body. In addition, arteries’ flexibility must be maintained and new capillaries must be formed using collagen.

Getting enough vitamin C is crucial since a deficiency can affect how well wounds heal. Additionally essential for supporting strong teeth and gums is vitamin C. It encourages the development of infection-fighting white blood cells.

Heart disease can be prevented or treated with the help of vitamin C. More vitamin C consumption has been linked to a lower risk of coronary artery disease, according to research.

According to one study, men who take 500 milligrammes of vitamin C daily are 30% less likely to get a heart attack than men who take less than 100 milligrammes.

According to additional research, consuming 400 mg of vitamin E daily lowers the chance of dying from heart disease by roughly 20%. It has been demonstrated that vitamin E lowers cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Almond Leaf

Olives have a high polyphenol content, which may contribute to their potential for preventing heart disease. A recent study indicated that consuming two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily could dramatically lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. This study was published in the Journal of CardioShield Reviews Nutrition. “Olive oil consumption was associated with beneficial alterations in lipid profile,” the researchers said in their conclusion.

Another study found that ingesting one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil daily could lower the risk of stroke by up to 50%. It was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Numerous potent substances found in olive tree leaves have been employed as natural treatments for a variety of diseases throughout history. Oleuropein has been intensively researched for its possible advantages as a chemical. Oleuropein is a hydroxytyrosol-type of phenol. This antioxidant is thought to have anti-inflammatory qualities and may potentially aid in cancer prevention.

Olive leaf extract has been demonstrated to reduce stress and anxiety in addition to these health advantages. In fact, several studies imply that it might be successful in easing depressive symptoms.

Tea Leaf Green

Catechins, strong antioxidants found in green tea, may help fend off heart disease. Green tea has been demonstrated to lower triglycerides and raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

Green tea extract reduced total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) while raising high-density lipoprotein, according to research done on rats (HDL). According to another study, three cups of green tea each day cut the risk of heart disease by 40%.

Blood pressure is also suggested to be regulated by tea. Four cups of black tea per day can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 4 and 2 mm Hg, respectively.

The primary active component in green tea is catechins. These antioxidants function by defending cells from oxidative stress brought on by free radicals. Free radicals are unsteady molecules that harm our body’ cells when they enter. They can also be produced as a result of exposure to environmental contaminants such pollution and cigarette smoke. They are naturally produced during regular metabolism.

Cellular DNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates can all be harmed by free radicals. Green tea aids in scavenging these damaging free radicals before they may cause any harm.

Berry of the Juniper

Native to Europe and Asia, juniper berries are frequently employed in conventional herbal therapy. Rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol are just a few of the flavonoids they contain, all of which have been demonstrated to have potent antioxidant properties.

In vitro platelet aggregation could be prevented by juniper berry extracts, according to a study in the European Journal of Pharmacology. In order to prevent dangerous blockages, platelets must be blocked before clots develop because they play a significant part in clot formation.

Tannins, which are plant compounds that bind to proteins and other molecules, are present in juniper berries. Foods like wine and beer have an astringent flavour because of tannins. When consumed orally, tannins attach to protein molecules in the intestines and stomach, inhibiting the digestion of those molecules. The body as a result absorbs fewer nutrients than it would have if the same amount of food had not been eaten.

Tannins also have an anticoagulant effect, which means they prevent blood from clotting properly. In order to cure issues like varicose veins, haemorrhoids, and thrombosis, tannins may be helpful because this procedure is crucial for preserving healthy blood flow.

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What Are Cardio Shield’s Advantages?

Cardio Shield is an oral dietary supplement that is 100 percent natural and offers the body several health advantages. The following benefits are listed:

keeps blood pressure levels in a healthy range.
decreases the dangers of heart disease.
enhances the function and health of your immune system.
removes superoxide anions, which can seriously harm your health, from your body.
relieves pressure, stress, and anxiety.
increases the metabolism’s rate.
reduces your dietary cravings.
helps your body to get more detoxified.
enhances your sleep quality and cycle.
enhances and increases the flow of oxygen and blood throughout your body.
aids in burning fat and losing weight.
controls the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.
What Are The Cardio Shield Intake Guidelines?

The manufacturer of the supplement recommends taking Cardio Shield in a dose of two capsules each day.

Cardio Shield comes in bottles of 60 capsules each, so a 30-day supply is provided by just one bottle. The optimal cardiovascular health outcomes would come from taking these capsules regularly for at least three to six months.

Where is Cardio Shield sold?

Only from its official website can you get Cardio Shield oral dietary supplement capsules. The manufacturer does not offer this product for sale on any other websites.

Heart Shield Cost

The following 3 packages of the nutritional supplement Cardio Shield are offered for purchase on their official website:

Offer: Purchase 1 Bottle for only $59 and receive free shipping to the United States. You would have plenty for 30 days.

Purchase three bottles for only $49 each, and receive free shipping to the United States. You would have plenty for 90 days.

The best value package includes 6 bottles for $39 each and free shipping within the United States. You would have enough for 180 days.

Cash-Back Promise

You have 180 days to return the Cardio Shield nutritional supplement if you’re not completely satisfied with it.

Therefore, you have 180 days from the date you bought the product to return the Cardio Shield if you do not get the results you were hoping for in terms of your health.

After the Cardio Shield support team has received the bottles, you must contact or send an email to request a refund of your purchase price.

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What Do Customers Think of Cardio Shield?-cardio shield reviews

The accumulation of Superoxide Anion on the walls of your arteries is the focus of the Cardio Shield capsules. With the aid of its natural, nutrient-rich ingredients, it increases metabolism and lowers blood pressure.

Numerous customer testimonials for Cardio Shield state that using these pills has helped them feel less anxious and stressed while also promoting healthy blood flow in their bodies.

According to one evaluation of Cardio Shield, this dietary supplement significantly enhanced his health. Numerous other people also remarked how it improved their blood circulation and oxygen flow, boosted metabolism, and increased levels of vitality.

According to customers, the natural and plant-based ingredients in the oral dietary supplement Cardio Shield are responsible for a variety of health benefits.

Final Conclusion

Finally, it can be said that powerful and goodness-packed natural components that have undergone extensive research were used to create Cardio Shield capsules.

The best thing about the CardioShield Reviews supplement is that it is risk-free to try out thanks to the 180-day money-back guarantee from the product’s creators and the fact that it was made with all safety regulations in mind.

So use these Cardio Shield pills to lower your risk of cardiovascular illness!

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